Things to do at Kopan
When you arrive at the monastery, the most important thing is to let the day-to-day worries go, try to be present in the moment, relax..
Kopan offers a warm and welcoming environment, with lots of things to do during the day, all of them Dharma related. Well, maybe not all as you will see.
Start the day by attending the morning puja of the monks in the main prayer hall. Or meditate in the gardens; circumambulate the various stupas, spin the prayer wheels. Enjoy the spectacular view of the Kathmandu valley, Boudha, and all the monasteries nearby.
Visit the library to browse through the books; stop at the gift shop for a few souvenirs. Have a break at the Café, or email in the cyber Café.
Watch the monks at prayers and debate in the evening and let yourself be inspired by their energy.
With the right motivation, all of this becomes Dharma, virtuous activity. As you can see, we are trying to make it easy for you.