Introduction to Buddhism

07 Sept - 17 Sept (10 days)
Led by: Ven Yeshe Kunsang & Geshe Tengyur

This course is perfect for beginners, based on the Lam Rim, the Graduated Path to Enlightenment, it provides an overview of the essential themes of Tibetan Buddhism, meditations and practices. Learning how to apply these principles to your life makes the teachings very meaningful. The course will end with a two day meditation retreat in complete silence.  Learn more

Meditation & Mind Training

20 Sept - 27 Sept (7 days)
Led by: Ven Tenzin Choden

This course will explore Buddhist meditation as a tool for developing inner peace and Buddhist psychology as a method for achieving happiness and emotional well being. By understanding how the mind works we can unlock our inner potential and bring about a positive transformation of ourselves and the world thereby making our lives truly meaningful.  Learn more



Introduction to Buddhism

01 Oct - 11 Oct (10 days)
Led by: Ven Yeshe Kunsang & Geshe Tengyur

This course is perfect for beginners, based on the Lam Rim, the Graduated Path to Enlightenment, it provides an overview of the essential themes of Tibetan Buddhism, meditations and practices. Learning how to apply these principles to your life makes the teachings very meaningful. The course will end with a two day meditation retreat in complete silence.  Learn more

Buddhism & Working with Emotions

15 Oct - 22 Oct (7 days)
Led by: Ven Tenzin Choden

Learn the foundations of Tibetan Buddhism and the how to skilfully work with your emotions. Drawing upon Tibetan Buddhist psychology, this course is designed to help participants increase their emotional awareness and balance. It will include teachings on Tibetan Buddhism, meditations and group discussions.  Learn more

Learn about Meditation and Buddhism

26 Oct - 02 Nov (7 days)
Led by: Ven Tenzin Choden

The course provides an overview of meditation and introduces basic meditation techniques such as watching the breath, mindfulness, visualization with mantra recitation and analytical meditation. It will also include teachings on the foundations of Buddhist philosophy and mind training.  Learn more



November Course

08 Nov - 08 Dec (1 month)
Led by: Tubten Pende

The course is based on the teachings of Shakyamuni Buddha, which form a complete and gradual spiritual path (Lam Rim), leading to ultimate happiness and enlightenment. Through cultivating an awareness of our present condition we gain an understanding of the nature of our dissatisfaction and unhappiness, the causes of these states of mind and how we can overcome them.  Learn more



Introduction to Buddhism

14 Jan - 24 Jan (10 days)
Led by: Ven Thubten Pema

This course is perfect for beginners. It will introduce core Buddhist themes, meditation practices, discussion group sessions and how to apply these in your daily life. Based on the Lam Rim the course will culminate in a two day meditation retreat.  Learn more

Kopan Monastery
Nepal Buddhist Mahayana Center Gompa

Kopan Monastery FPMT pending affiliation
Foundation for the preservation of the Mahayana Tradition