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Always Guided By Spirituality
Our monastery has been recognized as a spiritual center of excellence for the past decade.
Latest News
13 November, 2024
Website Upgrade Announcement & Important Email Update
Dear Supporters,
We are excited to announce that our website has been upgraded as of November 6, 2024! As we continue to fine-tune the new features, we apologize for any inconvenience you may experience, particularly when trying to send emails through the website. We are actively addressing a few technical issues and expect to resolve them as soon as we can.
Additionally, please note that our official email addresses have changed. Going forward, please use the following email addresses for specific inquiries:
- For general inquiries: info@kopanmonastery.org
- For course-related inquiries: spc@kopanmonastery.org
- For puja requests: puja@kopanmonastery.org
- For monastery shop: info@monasteryshop.org
Kopan Nunnery also has a new website at : https://kopannunnery.org
We truly appreciate your understanding and continued support as we work to enhance your experience with us. If you have any urgent inquiries, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at the appropriate email address.
Thank you for being an important part of our community!
Warm regards,
The Kopan Monastery Team

What makes us different?
We believe that every person has the potential to grow spiritually and we offer individualized guidance and support to help them on their journey.
All visitors benefit from individualized guidance.
On the April 13, 2024,
The first anniversary of the profound moment when Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche manifested the aspect of "Maha Parinirvana"(Passing) was successfully concluded.
On this auspicious occasion, Kopan Monastery, along with the entire FPMT family and devoted students of Rinpoche worldwide, came together to reflect on the boundless kindness of our Guru through extensive 'De Choe' practice sessions.
To honor this significant event, various important practices had been held at Kopan. On April 12th, senior sangha members and students of FPMT engaged in the self-initiation of Yamantaka. On April 13th, all came together for the Heruka Lama Choepa (Guru Puja), followed by the Gyuyasamaja self-initiation on April 14th.
As a Guru embodies inspiration and creates the conditions for students to tread the spiritual path, the manifestation of passing away serves as a profound display of compassion, challenging our misconceptions of impermanence and self-cherishing mind. That was the time for all of us to make offerings, engage in practice, and take vows to accumulate as much merit as possible, thus pleasing our Guru.
We extend our heartfelt thanks to all students and Dharma friends of late Rinpoche across the world to came to Kopan Monastery despite their busy time to make this occasion truly meritorious.
Thank you so much once again on behalf of Kopan monastery family.
Letter from Geshe Thupten Chonyi, Abbot of Kopan Monastery, to all who have a connection with Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche
Letter in English Letter in Tibetan
About Kopan
Read here about the live and activities of the monastic community at Kopan and how the Tibetan tradition of Buddhism is preserved.
Courses offered range from introductory to advanced. People from around the world have met the genuine teachings of the Buddha here.
Prayers & Pujas
You can request a pujas for yourself, your loved ones, or for success in all activities. Send us a prayer request which is free.