Introduction To Buddhism 6 - 16 February 2025


Introduction To Buddhism 6 - 16 February 2025

Introduction to BUDDHISM 

6 Feb to 16 Feb 2025

10 Day Course

Led by: Ven Thubten Pema

This course is perfect for beginners, it introduces the fundamental Buddhist principles based on the Lam Rim -The Graduated Path to Enlightenment.

Learning how to apply these principles to your daily life makes the teachings very meaningful.

The course includes teachings, different types of meditations and discussion group sessions. 

A special feature of the ten day course is the two day silent retreat at the end. This is a great opportunity to gain practical experience of a meditation retreat.  

This course forms the foundation for other, more advanced programs and is a requirement for the intermediate courses and some retreats. During the course you will receive guidance on setting up your own daily practice.

If you are interested in Buddhism, or experience problems in your life such as uncontrolled emotions, or dissatisfaction, this course will give you some skills to address these issues and make your life more fulfilling and meaningful. In the process you will meet like minded people and make new friends - friends that have shared your experience, and will provide support on the path.

Details of the course

COURSE DATE:   6 to 16 February 2025

COURSE TEACHER:   Ven Thubten Pema


The course fee includes all meals, accommodation in a dormitory and a free book.

Students can also choose staying in single, double and triple rooms with private or shared facilities. There is an extra charge for these type of rooms, please click here and use the red column to know the daily room charges, you will need to add these to the Flat Course Fee. 

When you do your booking, please choose your room preferences in accordance with your budget based on this list. We cannot guarantee you will be accommodated in your first room choice, rooms are allocated by order of booking and are confirmed upon arrival.

Check-in time starts at 9 am on 6 February. The first session is at 5.30pm, please make sure to be here at that time.

Our reception opens at 9 am and closes at 5.30 pm, arrivals are due to be done only within these times. 

The course concludes on 16 February with lunch.

Your daily schedule begins at 6.45 am and finishes at 9 pm. Participants are required to attend all session, attendance to all sessions is compulsory. Silence is kept from 9 pm till after lunch the next day.

Mobile phones and other internet connectable gadgets need to be checked in at the reception for the duration of the course. Read more on course guidelines.

During your stay at Kopan, please follows our strict dress code. Check if you are dressed appropriately for a monastic environment.


Date & Time
Sunday, February 16, 2025
6:45 AM 2:45 PM (Asia/Kathmandu)

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