Courses and Retreats
Learning meditation, or studying Buddhism, is learning about you, your own nature. The subject is about your own mind. It is so important to know the mentality of your own mind, no matter you believing it or not believing, you are religious or not religious, you are Christian, or you are Hindu, or you are science, or you are black or East or West or…no matter. To know your own mind is very, very important. - Lama Thubten Yeshe
From the very beginning, Kopan was conceived by Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa Rinpoche as a place of study and meditation for both the Himalayan sangha and for their many foreign students. In preserving this tradition to this day, Kopan has become a unique place, a meeting place between East and West, between religious and worldly life.
Kopan Monastery continues to transmit the Tibetan Buddhist tradition as the path to ultimate happiness and freedom from suffering. The aim is to lay the foundations on which people’s minds and hearts can be transformed into their highest potential for the benefit of others, inspired by an attitude of universal responsibility.
The study of the mind is one of the guiding principles of Buddhism in general and Tibetan Buddhism in particular. It determines the quality of our life and of our relationships. Tibetan Buddhism helps us to understand the root causes of our problems, and at the same time offers the remedies that can help us to change, to lead a happier, more satisfying and meaningful life.
So if you find yourself in a time of transition, of emotional turmoil, or are just curious to find out about Buddhism and what it can do for you, getting to know your own mind is of essential importance. The courses in our program are following this line of thought, offering different approaches to this all important point.
The Course Calendar caters for various levels of interest as well as knowledge, and ranges from introductory and intermediate courses. The focus is on the application of the skills in your daily life – how can you use this new knowledge to improve your life, your understanding of yourself and others.
Students can also do Retreat at Kopan.
In between courses Daily Dharma Talks give a taste of the Buddhist viewpoint and let the visitors experience directly the joys of meditation.
Every year, in November, Kopan offers it's famous November Course.
Please read the Course Guidelines for further information.

Our Course
The study of the mind is one of the guiding principles of Buddhism in general and Tibetan Buddhism in particular. It determines the quality of our life and of our relationships.

Things to do
Kopan offers a warm and welcoming environment, with lots of things to do during the day, all of them Dharma related. Well, maybe not all as you will see.

The purpose of retreat is deepening the understanding of Dharma through intensive contemplation and integrating it into one's mind stream.